segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011


O Canadian Journalists for Free Expression está selecionando jornalistas latino-americanos, com um mínimo de sete anos de experiência profissional, para um curso de um ano de duração sobre jornalismo e liberdade de expressão nas Américas. O curso será ministrado no Massey College da universidade de Toronto.

Veja abaixo, em inglês, os detalhes do programa e da seleção.

The Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and Scotiabank are accepting applications from journalists in Latin America and the Caribbean to apply for a one-year fellowship at Massey College at the University of Toronto.

The fellowship runs from Sept. 6, 2011-April 30, 2012, and is aimed at better understanding journalism and freedom of expression in the Americas, although journalism courses are not part of the program. Journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean with at least seven years experience are eligible to apply.

The fellowship includes a monthly stipend, round-trip airfare, housing and meals, and insurance.

Applications are due March 1, and should include a proposal for a plan to study an issue from a freedom of expression perspective, a statement of past media work and future plans, samples of work, three reference letters, and a letter of support from the employer.

For more information,
contact Julie Payne at
or Anna Luengo at


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